Knockspell: The quarterly resource for old school gaming!
Knockspell Issue #4 contains a veritable cornucopia of gaming content for your retro-clone or out-of-print fantasy campaign! Here's a preview of the table of contents:
From Kuroth’s Quill Allan T. Grohe, Jr.
Beneath the Crossroads: an Adventure Joshua James Gervias
Artist Interview: Christopher Burdett
Megadungeon Adventuring Tactics Matt Finch
Isles on an Emerald Sea 3: An Adventure Gabor Lux
Random Tavern Generator Robert Lionheart
Artifact Type & Attributes Scot Hoover
Spell Interval System John Stater
Online Roleplaying: A Quick Overview Marcelo Frossard Paschoalin
Rats in the Walls: an Adventure by Jeffrey P. Talanian
Stealing the Histories Michael Curtis
Free-Form Rules as a Referee’s Toolbox Al Krombach
Rolling Along: Wheeled Magic Items James Bobb
Weird Weather and other Unexplanable Phenomena J Shoultis, J Larrey, J Hartleb
Review: The Dungeon Alphabet Allan T. Grohe, Jr.
Weapon Generator J.R. Cone
New Magic Items James Bobb
Knockspell #4 is now available in both print and pdf versions from Black Blade Publishing.