24 October 2018

Ancient ship = Eldritch horrors

“More than a mile beneath the surface of the Black Sea, shrouded in darkness, an ancient ship sat for millennia unseen by human eyes — until the Black Sea Maritime Archaeology Project happened upon its watery grave last year.… [T]he trading vessel plied the waves in the days of Plato and Sophocles, when the city-states of ancient Greece had scattered colonies all around the Black Sea.”

Sometimes a real world news event writes a cool Call of Cthulhu scenario for you…

(Though I’d replace the “Black Sea Maritime Archaeology Project” with the “Black Sea Miskatonic Archaeology Project” -- and move everything back to ~1930.)

1 comment:

  1. Look up the Nemi ships sometime - Nero's huge ancient pleasure barges that got fished up by Mussolini in 1929. Fascinating stuff, and I'm sure that there's something gameable in the idea of literally draining a lake to look at the bottom.
