17 November 2019

Interview with the Mythic Lawrence Whitaker

Gentle readers, as many of you already know, Lawrence Whitaker (‘Loz’) runs the Design Mechanism with Pete Nash. Whitaker and Nash created the Mythras role-playing game together (the immediate successor to RuneQuest 6, also authored by them). In addition to Mythras, and many fine supplements for it (e.g., Mythic Britain), Loz has written numerous excellent RPG books over the past few decades. He’s also a superb gamemaster.

Anyhow, ENworld’s Charles Dunwoody recently interviewed him about his RPG work. Among many interesting things, Loz mentions the forthcoming Lyonesse role-playing game:
“The Lyonesse RPG will be released next year for the system, licensed and approved by Splatterlight Press. It will be self-contained and powered by Mythras. Lawrence described the setting as consisting of an archipelago between England and France that is said to have sunk in the modern age. The RPG spins out of a setting created by Jack Vance. The books are evocative and filled with interesting characters and the RPG will follow suit. It combines traditional European folklore with violent action. The setting has a complex set of magical rules. Some humans can use faerie magic which is a less powerful form. Higher level magic works through demon summoning. The demons work magic on behalf of the sorcerer.”

(The DM’s PDF overview of the Lyonesse RPG can be found here.)

Curious about Mythras? Check out Mythras Imperative for free!


  1. There was a French RPG about the same setting in 1999 : Lyonesse.

    1. I've heard stories about that RPG but (unsurprisingly) never found it myself...

    2. It's by the (intriguingly named) 'Men in Cheese'. I have a copy in PDF provided by one of its writers. It's a very different beast to our take on the books, and quite a strange chapter structure. Definitely a product of its time (especially some of the art).

  2. I am completely impressed with what they have achieved at The Design Mechanism. Regular and extremely well done supplements come out at a decent enough clip that you aren't worried if they've shuttered their doors.
