26 December 2024

Mythras Miscellany

I thought that I would mention two cool things for Mythras that might be of some interest.

The first is the Unearthed Companion for Mythras Classic Fantasy. Here’s the blurb from the Design Mechanism folks: 
Delve deeper than ever before, with the Classic Fantasy: Unearthed Companion, the highly anticipated expansion for Mythras Classic Fantasy! 
Classic Fantasy has become a popular branch of the Mythras family, blending the Mythras rules with traditional dungeoneering adventure mechanics. The Classic Fantasy core book presented everything needed for Ranks 1 to 3. This volume, long in the making, expands Classic Fantasy to Ranks 4 and 5, with updates and expansions to certain rules, but more importantly providing the additional magic, monsters and treasure for higher Rank characters and adventures. 
Unearthed Companion is compatible with Classic Fantasy core, and Classic Fantasy Imperative.  
More information here.

Classic Fantasy provides rules and guidelines for running Mythras games with the flavour of “Gygaxian” Dungeons & Dragons (i.e., first edition AD&D). Why do this? Perhaps you like the ethos and adventures of early TSR-era D&D/AD&D – but like combat to be interesting.

I have yet to play Classic Fantasy myself. But I’d be interested in running a short campaign using it someday, perhaps focused on an adapted version of a classic AD&D or D&D module (like Tom Moldvay’s The Lost City or the Saltmarsh series).

The second item is something that hopefully will be coming out in 2025: Mythic Armorica.

I assume that this will be a supplement for Mythic Britain (but am not certain about that).

Anyhow, Happy Boxing Day!

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