Issue 16 has just dropped and it’s dedicated to my favourite FRPG artist of all time: David A. Trampier.
26 February 2025
Fight On! Issue 16 now available – dedicated to DA Trampier
Issue 16 has just dropped and it’s dedicated to my favourite FRPG artist of all time: David A. Trampier.
18 February 2025
‘Level Up’ exhibit at the Chicago Writers Museum
The museum currently has a special exhibit called “Level Up.” Here’s the description:
“Our special exhibit, Level Up: Writers & Gamers, explores how Americans use role-playing and video games to define and respond to our culture. The exhibit guides visitors into the world of game writing, from the 1970s to the present. Some of the games featured include Dungeons & Dragons, Zork, Apocalypse World, Baldur’s Gate III, and game writers from the last 50 years such as Michael Pondsmith, Porpentine, and Tanya DePass.”The exhibit was small but had some artifacts of note:
Anyhow, the exhibit runs until 5 May 2025. More information can be found here. If you’re in Chicago and have some time to kill, I recommend checking it out.
02 February 2025
A Brief History of Ukrasia
This post provides a rough overview and timeline for the World of Ukrasia (the setting for my “Against the Court of Urdor” campaign). The history is presented in a summary bullet-point format and may be revised or expanded in the future. I also hope to develop other elements of the setting at some point. As always, links to all my posts concerning this setting and campaign can be found at the Ukrasia master page.
The known lands of Ukrasia are dominated by two large islands: Aldena to the north and Urdor to the south. The climate of Aldena resembles that of western Europe (especially France and Germany), whereas the climate of Urdor is roughly like that of Central America and northern South America. These islands were once part of a single large island-continent called Aethros, which was sundered during the Great War of the Elves and the Elder Giants. The islands are now divided by the Writhing Sea.
To the northwest of Aldena are the cold, mountainous Vilkhorith islands. To the northeast of Aldena are the three green Morghain islands. Far to the northeast of Aldena is a mysterious island known as Awallon. To the east of Aldena are numerous small islands and one large one: Zyris. There are numerous small islands around Urdor but only one – Envel – of moderate size. To the south of Urdor is a continent dominated by a great desert, but little is known of it.
- The Era of the Eldar Jarls (unknown length; ended over 15,500 years ago).
- The Era of the Elves (lasted roughly 12,000 years).
- The First Age of Humanity (lasted 2,550 years).
- The Second Age of Humanity (the current age, currently in its 1000th year).
- The Time of the Giants.
- Little is known of this Era.
- A few remarkable structures remain (no doubt enchanted), e.g., The Giant’s Bridge, The Giant’s Road, The Cloud Tower, and The Great Spire.
- Giantish civilization was decadent, reliant on Dwarvish slaves, by the time of the arrival of the Elves.
- Elves arrive from Faerie.
- Records conflict over whether they were exiled or chose to leave (according to some Elvish records, they departed Faerie to pursue ‘order’ and lasting ‘creation’).
- The Great War of the Elves and the Elder Giants (this conflict lasts centuries).
- Giants unite under the High-King Bláinn (also known to his subjects as Ymir).
- One of High-King Bláinn’s titles is “The Master of Dragons,” as the High-King creates the Dragonspawn to serve as warriors.
- Firbolgs eventually rebel against High-King Bláinn and are cursed by him for this action (“The Doom of the Firbolgs”).
- The great island-continent of Aethros is broken into two: the surviving islands are Aldena and Urdor.
- Eventually the Elves are victorious.
- The Giants, now few in number, retreat to isolated enclaves and fastnesses, far from civilization. They become a degenerate, insular people over the coming centuries.
- The Firbolgs settle in distant, isolated realms as well, but maintain their culture and discipline.
- High-King Bláinn is chained (hopefully for all time) by the Elven High Mages on the bottom of the sea that divides Aldena and Urdor.
- The sea subsequently becomes known as the Writhing Sea.
- High-King Bláinn becomes known as “The Chained Colossus of the Deep.”
- He desires to be free and communicates with power-hungry followers of all races – except Elves – on the surface, corrupting them.
- According to legend, tidal waves and storms are caused by the occasional writhing of the Chained Colossus.
- The Dwarves are freed with the end of the War and settle in mountain ranges throughout Ukrasia.
- The Green Elves (or “Dusk Elves”): these Elves prefer to live in small communities throughout all kinds of woodlands (from northern pinelands to southern jungles).
- The Blue Elves (or “Silver Elves”): the Blue Elves love the sea and the sky (hence their name). They settle into small towns or cities along the coasts, in secluded valleys, or high on the tops of mountains.
- The Night Elves (or “Star Elves”): the Night Elves prefer night over day, as they have a deep love for the stars. They settle in great cities and fortresses. They become the least connected to nature of the three Elvish peoples.
- Wars are fought occasionally between the Elven peoples and the surviving Dragonspawn and Giants, but Elvish civilization is never seriously threatened. The Giants continue to decline.
- The Firbolgs sporadically interact and trade with the Elves and Dwarves.
- Many groups of humans end their nomadic ways and start settling into permanent communities and realms.
- The Green Elves largely ignore the humans, except for those who retain their nomadic lifestyle and retreat deep in the woods; these people eventually become the Wildfolk (also known as the “Skara”).
- The Blue Elves are generally aloof but sometimes help the humans in their progress towards civilization.
- Some humans learn the basics of magic from benevolent Blue Elf mages and animists.
- The Night Elves are disgusted by the humans and regard them as ugly mockeries of Elvenkind. They take to occasionally hunting humans for sport.
- Human populations grow, eventually far exceeding those of other peoples. They spread over the world and begin organizing themselves into unified realms.
- Eventually the first great human realm – Arsilon – is established on the west coast of Aldena (circa 10,000).
- The region is a nexus of magical energy, and Arsilon is ruled by a council of formidable human mages.
- Over the centuries, the Arsilonians become distinct from other humans because of the unusual nature of the realm in which they live.
- They become known (somewhat arrogantly) as “High Men.”
- A friendship is formed between the Blue Elves and the Arsilonians.
- During this time, some other groups of humans become reclusive. They hide from others and are largely unknown.
- Eventually they become the Halflings.
- Wary of the growing might of the Arsilonians, the Night Elves decide the rid the world of the “human infestation” and begin a genocidal war.
- Because they are few in number in comparison to the humans, the Night Elves create the races of Orcs and Trolls (the former bred from humans, the latter formed from stone, according to legend) to serve as warriors and slaves.
- For the most part, the Dwarves initially remain indifferent to this war, but the Night Elves convince one Dwarvish kingdom to join them in their struggle.
- These “shadow” Dwarves, overcome with greed and bloodlust, eventually become known as the Dwergar.
- Many human realms are destroyed by the Night Elves and their Orcish hordes over the subsequent century.
- Horrified by Night Elves’ actions, the Blue Elves decide to fight to save the remaining human realms, especially Arsilon.
- Some Dwarves – those belonging to the three “Metal Kingdoms” (The “Halls” of Pale Steel, Bright Silver, and Black Iron) – join the war on the side of the Arsilonians and Blue Elves.
- This struggle becomes known as “The Elvish Splintering” (among the Elves), “The Long War” (among the humans), and “The Sorrowful War” (among the Dwarves).
- Many “Faerie” folk (known as the “Aes Sidhe” by themselves and the Elves) – including Gnomes, Pixies, Merrows, and others – are brought by the “Unseen Lords” to the distant island of Awallon to avoid the conflict.
- The war turns against the Night Elves and their minions over the course of several decades.
- In a terrible, desperate ritual, a conclave of Night Elf arch-mages calls down the tiny moon Olbiir onto the lands of Arsilon.
- The realm of Arsilon is destroyed; the sun is dimmed for years afterwards.
- The waters where Arsilon once existed become known as the Sea of Torment.
- This event comes to be known as the Moon Slaying or the Murder of Olbiir.
- Despite this setback, over the following decade the Blue Elves, surviving Arsilonians, and allied human and Dwarvish forces, eventually emerge triumphant.
- The Night Elves’ power is shattered, their cities destroyed, and their people dispersed. While a few Night Elves repent and merge with the Blue Elves, most flee into hidden enclaves, either in remote regions or deep beneath the earth.
- The greatest of the Night Elf leaders, a mighty sorceress, is exiled to the plane of Flux, where she becomes known as “The Pale Queen of Mists.” From her otherworldly fastness, she plots revenge over the subsequent eons. However, she is unable to return to the Mortal Plane, allegedly because of a great curse created by the remaining archmages of the Blue Elves.
- The orcs and trolls, for the most part, descend into wandering tribes and warbands.
- The Dwergar retreat into the deepest parts of the underworld, often allying with bands of surviving Night Elves.
- Following the end of the war, the victorious peoples slowly recover over a period of two centuries, a time known as “The Slow Healing.”
- The surviving Arsilonians establish Rylindar – the “Rylindar Republic” – on the great island of Aldena.
- Other human kingdoms, realms, and city-states are established on other parts of Aldena and Urdor during the first millennium of this Era.
- The Blue and Green Elves retreat from human affairs, although many Blue Elves maintain friendly relations with Rylindar.
- The Dwarven realm of the Halls of Black Iron trades extensively with Rylindar.
- The Church of the Solar Court (or more simply, the “Solar Church”) is formally established and begins to spread throughout the human lands. The Church reveres the Solar Court, but focuses on the deities Amithos, Fiona, and Murth.
- Over time, conflicts break out between adherents of the Solar Church and those who adhere to the Old Faith, which is focused on the deities of the Glade Court.
- The Church becomes preeminent in the realms controlled by the Arsilonians.
- Rise of the Dragon Kings: three realms of Dragonspawn (with human underclasses) are established.
- The Dragon Kings themselves are thought to be powerful human mages, but their true identity is unknown.
- It is rumoured that the Dragon Kings are followers of The Chained Colossus and seek to free Him.
- The War of the Dragon Kings:
- Rylindar and its allies – the Blue Elven realm of Ilmyria and the Dwarven Halls of Black Iron, as well as a number of human kingdoms – defeat the Dragon Kings, slaying one of them.
- The surviving Dragon Kings retreat to distant fastnesses.
- Founding of the Koronande Republic in Urdor by Lemka “the Lawgiver.”
- The realm of Vorixia is established on Urdor by the Dragon King Vorix.
- The “Golden Age” of Rylindar: a time of freedom, cultural vibrancy, and prosperity.
- However, northern “Vilkhorith” sea raiders occasionally plague the realms of Aldena, as do orcish tribes from the “wild” islands near the continent.
- But one tribe of orcs, the Ilgrim, abandons the chaotic violent ways of their peers, and establish a “civilized” realm on Aldena, the Kingdom of Ilgri.
- The rise of the Vilkhorith Sea Empire: a great human power based in the Vilkhor Isles, to the northwest of Aldena and the west of the Morghain Isles.
- The Sea Empire conquers parts of Aldena over the subsequent century.
- Much of the Morghain Isles also are conquered by the Empire.
- After decades of struggle, the power of the Sea Empire is crushed by Rylindar.
- The Republic’s Arcane Council plays a key role in this struggle; it becomes the main political power within Rylindar afterwards.
- The northwestern remnants of the Vilkhorith Sea Empire – the Vilkhor Isles – are conquered by the Dragon King Sulthrax.
- The new realm becomes known of the Sulthraxian Dominion.
- The Vikhorith peoples in the Morghain Isles remain there and become intermixed with the indigenous Morghain humans.
- The resulting people are referred to as simply the Northric (or “Norlings”).
- One Vilkhorith tribe – led by the prophet Hathor – flees the tyranny of Sulthrax, and journeys to the southern island of Urdor. There the tribe establishes the kingdom of Hathor.
- The Rylindar colony of Tantûrak is established on Urdor. It is the southernmost Arsilonian realm.
- The Blistering Plague ravages the human realms; at least one-third of the human population of the known lands is eliminated by the terrible disease.
- Taking advantage of the weakened condition of the human realms following the Blistering Plague, orcish tribes from a number of islands near Adena, united under the half-orc warlord Forgrim “the Great,” invade a number of human lands.
- The Orcish Forgrim Empire is declared following these conquests.
- The Forgrim Empire absorbs the peaceful orcish realm of Ilgri.
- Many Ilgrim flee to other lands to avoid the cruel reign of Forgrim.
- The island human realm of Zyris (located off the eastern coast of Aldena) undergoes a revolution and declares itself a republic (in practice it is a plutocracy).
- Over the next few centuries, The Zyrisian Republic becomes a dominant sea and mercantile power.
- Vorixia conquers the lands of Tuktan on the Isle of Urdor.
- The Vorixian forces are prevented from expanding further west by the Rylindar colony of Tantûrak.
- Rylindar, the Zyrisian Republic, and the Dwarves of the Halls of Black Iron and the Halls of Bright Silver push back and greatly reduce the Forgrim Empire.
- A bright light emanates from the centre of the Tantûraki island of Ardinaak, slaying all who dwell upon it. Tantûrak abandons the isle, deeming it to be cursed.
- Tuktan – with the support of Koronande and Hathor – successfully rebels against Vorixia.
- Final destruction of the remnants of the Forgrim Empire by Rylindar.
- The archmage N’veldar renames the Rylindar Republic the Rylindar Imperium and declares himself Autarch.
- Many outer regions of the Rylindar Imperium secede.
- Schism within the Solar Church: the part of the church located in the Rylindar regions that secede become known as the Church of the Free Sun and cease all official relations with the old church.
- The Autarch engages in a number of wars with seceding regions of the Imperium. He succeeds in reabsorbing some lands, but others remain independent. Due to other pressures, he abandons further attempts to retake the lost lands.
- The First Rebellion within the Rylindar Imperium. It is cruelly crushed by the forces of the Autarch.
- The Second Rebellion. This rebellion is more successful than the first, but eventually is defeated by the Autarch. Many rebels flee to the “free” Arsilonian lands away from Aldena.
- The Great War: the Rylindar Imperium attempts to retake its lost lands, as well as absorb the other realms of humanity. A grand alliance is formed to oppose the Autarch.
- Many terrible battles are fought over the subsequent three decades. Entire cities and lands are razed by the Autarch’s forces.
- Theft of the Blackfire Staff. The Autarch is greatly weakened.
- Over the subsequent five years the forces of the Autarch are pushed back to the original realm of Rylindar.
- The Rylindar forces of Tantûrak are defeated by the allied realms of Koronande, Tuktan, Hathor, and Taaliraan.
- Tantûrak is nearly destroyed, and the Rylindar Imperium subsequently has no presence in Urdor.
- Northern Taaliraan is devastated in the process, however, and is largely abandoned by the Green Elves. It becomes known as the “Cursed Lands.”
- Final defeat of the Autarch’s forces. The city of Rylindar is destroyed. The Autarch disappears.
- The southern reaches of Vorixia secede, led by the great Firbolg wizard Ulfor.
- The wizard is slain by the Dragon King Vorix but the secession is ultimately successful.
- The freed lands become known as the Free Cities of Ulfor.
- The mysterious departure of the Dragon King Vorix from Vorixia.
- A ruling council of Dragonspawn nobles assumes control of the realm.
- The Sulthraxian Dominion, still ruled by the Dragon King Sulthrax, conquers many coastal regions of Aldena (mainly former territories of the Rylindar Imperium).
- The conquests eventually are stopped by the Zyrisian Republic and its allies, including the Firbolg realm of Nialb.
- The tribes of the Mûmakan are united under a charismatic priest of Amaav named Pavos. The holy place of Amaru is built. The realm becomes a significant threat to its neighbours.
- Pavos is mysteriously assassinated shortly after the construction of Amaru, and the realm once again descends into anarchy.
- (Every few decades a priest arises who claims to be the “true successor” to Pavos – but nothing has yet come of these efforts.)
- The rise of the mysterious “Bird Masters” in the Morghain Islands: the “Prince of Rooks” and the “Queen of Hawks.” They establish realms on two different islands.
- Arrival of the “Magician” in Tantûrak.
- Dwergar forces attack the Halls of Pale Steel in northern Urdor.
- Two of the Halls are conquered by the Dwergar, who establish the realm, the Halls of Zaruth.
- One of the Halls (Grimhold) is recovered by the Dwarves of the Halls of Pale Steel.
- The Green Death – a terrible plague – ravages both Aldena and Urdor. Only the Elves and Fey are unaffected.
- The Autarch announces his return in Aldena and takes control of the partially rebuilt city of Rylindar.
- The Present.
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About Me

- Akrasia
- I'm a Canadian political philosopher who lives primarily in Toronto but teaches in Milwaukee (sometimes in person, sometimes online).