mentioned recently that I had started a campaign using Cubicle 7's
Adventures in Middle-earth system (which modifies 5th edition
Dungeons and Dragons in some
interesting 'Tolkien-esque' ways). In case anyone out there is interested, I thought that I would post the characters' backgrounds here. Since culture and history are so important in running a good Middle-earth campaign, I put some careful thought (in collaboration with my players) into these backgrounds. Hopefully they are somewhat flavourful and interesting. (The pictures are taken from various C7
AiME books.)
HENGIL (S. ‘Eye-star’)
Dúnedain (martial) – Warden (class) – Foresight of their kindred (virtue)
Seeker of the Lost (background) – Determined (quality) – Dark Secrets (specialty) – Lure of Power (shadow weakness)
Hengil was born in the wilds of Eriador, far to the north of Lake Nenuil, in the ancient lands of his family, the Great House of Foros. Lords of land no longer, Hengil’s family nonetheless still dwells in their ancient territory.
In his teens Hengil displayed unusual foresight and a capacity to inspire with poetry and history. Sensing an aptitude for scholarship, Hengil’s father sent him to dwell with the Dúnedain and Elves of Imladris. There the young man learned the lore of his people, as well as knowledge of how to fight and survive. Hengil planned eventually to join the Rangers of the North, as his forefathers had for generations, to help their endless guardianship over the few peaceful settlements that lingered in Eriador. A prophetic dream, however, changed everything.
A gift of his ancient lineage, Hengil sometimes observes events with great vividness while dreaming. Some of these dreams are of things that happened long ago to the Dúnedain of the North, and especially his family, but most of the time they seem to reveal things in Hengil’s future. A year ago, he had a most unusual vision whilst in a deep slumber. In it he saw his ancestor—Cúthalion (‘Strongbow’), last Lord of the Foros—blow the great mithril horn of his family, “Fuinavar” (‘gloom-refuser’). Hengil knew immediately that what he was witnessing occurred during Arthedain’s final battle with the hordes of the Witch-King of Angmar, almost a thousand years ago. The horn had been forged in lost Númenor, and had the ability to inspire and remove fear in all those who fought on the side of the Light.
Despite rallying the forces of Arthedain with Fuinavar, Hengil saw his ancestor ultimately struck down by the Witch-King himself. The terrible eldritch tyrant seized seized the horn and Hengil’s vision faded. But the dream did not end! Though he did not see anything for a few moments, Hengil sensed that many centuries had passed. When his vision returned, Hengil saw the glorious horn, still brilliant silver despite its great age, locked away in a tower of shining black stone. The tower stood upon a mountain ridge amidst a waterfall deep within a vast forest. Hengil then awoke.
In his subsequent research, Hengil discerned that the tower
likely was located somewhere deep within Mirkwood. How the horn could have travelled there he had no idea. But he now sought to recover it! And so Hengil departed from Rivendell on a quest to recover the ancient artefact of his family, one perhaps that could help the Dúnedain in their enduring struggle against the Shadow.
Barding (prosperous) – Warrior (class) – Swordmaster (virtue)
Fallen Scion (background) – Proud (quality) – Story-telling (specialty) – Lure of Power (shadow weakness)
During the golden age of the kingdoms of Dale and Erebor, the Galmunds were one of the leading Dalish aristocratic families. They served the line of Dalish kings in defending the northern realm for centuries. During the reign of King Bladorthin, the family—with the assistance of skilled dwarven masons from Erebor—built a magnificent tower some leagues outside of the city. Men of Dale worked their lands, and the family became quite wealthy. They dwelt in their glorious tower, along with their manor within the city, throughout the reign of King Bladorthin and his son King Girion.
Tragedy struck the family in the year 2770 of the Third Age. Smaug descended upon Dale and Erebor—destroying the former and occupying the latter. The surrounding settlements also were laid waste by the terrible dragon. Most of the Galmunds were slain that terrible day. The few who survived fled to Esgarath. There they dwelt for almost two centuries, in a comfortable but diminished state, until the death of Smaug five years ago.
Ulvmund is the last of his family line. The rest of his family—his mother, father, brother and sister—were slain when Smaug wreaked destruction upon Lake-town. Distraught at his loss, the young man devoted himself to training in arms, helping to rebuild Dale, and serving King Bard. While he has found favourable service under his new king, Ulvmund aspires to re-establish the Galmund family as one of the preeminent forces within Dale. Part of this ambition is to find, clear, and rebuild the ancient Galmund tower. Another part is to achieve such glory that King Bard eventually will appoint him a royal advisor and a leader of the Dalish soldiers.
To this end, Ulvmund hopes to perform deeds of heroism and nobility, thereby gaining honourable renown. He also hopes to raise funds so that he eventually can reclaim and rebuild the ancient Galmund tower. His dream is to resurrect the ancient glory of his family—and he shall not be deterred, no matter the foes he faces.
Beorning (martial) – Wanderer (class) – Brother to Bears (virtue)
Hunted by the Shadow (background) – Elusive (quality) – Swimming (specialty) – Wandering Madness (shadow weakness)

Hartmut was born near the great Anduin River, in a modest but ancient family holding located north of the Old Ford and south of the sacred Carrock. Like his father, Hartmut became a hunter. He ranged widely across the Anduin vale and into the northern reaches of Mirkwood (though he prudently avoided the lands still claimed by the reclusive Wood Elves). Because of an ancient bear-bond made by his ancestors, Hartmut felt more comfortable and skilled while hunting at night.
Last autumn, in the western eaves of Mirkwood under a dark moon, Hartmut witnessed something that scarred his mind and soul—and changed the course of his life forever. Pursuing a magnificent stag deep into the woods, a light caught his eye. Because of this distraction, the stag escaped. Having lost his prey, Hartmut decided to investigate the light.
Scouting deeper in the forest the hunter stealthily approached a small clearing. Warily hiding at the edge, Hartmut spied a band of strange looking Woodmen arranged in a semicircle around an altar of black glassy stone. Behind the altar stood a man dressed in a grey cloak; upon the cloak were sewn a myriad of black web-like patterns. The man’s face was hidden in shadows, but his hands were sickly pale. Bound upon the altar was a small child. Confused at this strange sight, Hartmut witnessed the terrible ritual progress: the cloaked figure spoke harsh, strange words that burned the hunter’s ears, and then plunged a dagger into the child’s chest. In shock, Hartmut let out a shout of outrage. Alerted to his presence, the malevolent congregation turned upon the Beorning and tried to capture or slay him. Fortunately, Hartmut’s skills served him well that day, and the pursuit failed. Hartmut roused his brothers the next day, yet no sign of the black altar or the vile men could be found. The cultists and their shadowy leader had disappeared without a mark…
Since that terrible day, though, Hartmut frequently has had the sense of being watched, especially at night by inhuman eyes—yet when he looks about to see what is observing him, he sees nothing. In the corner of his eye, though, shadows linger…
Troubled by the vile sacrifice he witnessed and his worry that he frequently is the object of an ill-willed gaze, Hartmut decided to journey away from his homeland for a few seasons. Learning of King Bard’s call for brave souls to help Dale, Esgaroth, and Erebor establish peace and prosperity in the lands around the Long Lake, the beorning travelled east. Perhaps his concerns might fade through heroic actions elsewhere? Still, if Hartmut could find and destroy the terrible cult, he surely would…