09 September 2024

Mythras and Against the Darkmaster news

Some quick notes on a couple of things for two of my favourite RPGS: Mythras and Against the Darkmaster.

First, Mythras. There is a new supplement for the delightful Lyonesse FRPG: Rogues, Rascals, and Rapscallions.

Here’s the announcement from the Design Mechanism:
A supplement for the Lyonesse roleplaying game – roleplaying adventure in the Elder Isles of Jack Vance.

Everyone loves a good villain, and the Elder Isles are full of them.

Rogues, Rascals, and Rapscallions is a resource to the beleaguered Games Master. It has a cornucopia of criminals, a superfluity of scoundrels, a mass of miscreants, and a surfeit of scallywags. The book is divided into five chapters, respectively covering ne'er-do-wells, cults, societies, places, and schemes, each accompanied by multiple stories that can embroil the characters in villainy, either as victims, witnesses, investigators or – heavens forfend! – perpetrators.

Packed full of scenario ideas, intriguing encounters, nefarious nemeses, and exotic locales, Rogues, Rascals and Rapscallions is a must for any campaign, be it Lyonesse or some other fine setting.

Hardcover POD & PDF ($35.99 and $12.99 respectively)
Colour & B/W
140 pages
Available now here.

As for Against the Darkmaster, it looks like the Game Master’s Guide will be available soon. 

From the folks at Open Ended Games:

We’re thrilled to announce that the Against the Darkmaster GM's Guide is nearly complete! This complement to the Player’s Handbook, covering the GM’s side and Bestiary of the Core Rules, will be available both as a Print-On-Demand (POD) and PDF on DrivethruRPG. Here’s a preview of the cover art by the always excellent Heraldo Mussolini to whet your appetite!

I love that the cover is from the perspective of the Darkmaster. Very cool!

While I adore the massive VsD tome, having slimmer Player and GM books is more useful for running the game, in my view – and obviously less expensive for players. (Also, holding the VsD core rules in one hand while running a session can be a bit tricky…)

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I'm a Canadian political philosopher who lives primarily in Toronto but teaches in Milwaukee (sometimes in person, sometimes online).