24 September 2024

The Kirkyard of St Cuthbert

One of the reasons why I haven’t posted much here recently is that I spent a couple of weeks in Scotland in late August, followed in early September by a week of work in Manchester. I then returned to North America (first my permanent home in Toronto, then to my new temporary apartment in Chicago, from which I’ll be visiting Notre Dame University weekly as a research fellow at the Center for Philosophy and Religion until late May 2025). It’s been a busy time!

While in Edinburgh, I naturally visited the kirkyard of St Cuthbert. A saint in our own world from the 7th century, St Cuthbert also famously travelled to the World of Greyhawk (Oerth), where he became an important deity, a champion of law and order against the chaos and evil of vile Iuz. In fact, one of the characters from my recent Greyhawk campaign, Cedric the warrior cleric, was a priest of St Cuthbert.

Here are some pictures I took while visiting:

[The back of Edinburgh Castle. Our temporary accommodation was only a block from this view.]

[The cross in St Cuthbert's kirkyard.]

[The entrance to the kirkyard.]

[The view of the kirkyard from Ediburgh Castle.]

[Statue of David Hume. No relation to St Cuthbert obviously, but one of my philosophic heroes.]

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I'm a Canadian political philosopher who lives primarily in Toronto but teaches in Milwaukee (sometimes in person, sometimes online).